Brotherly Love
Mommy And Her Little Men
What Does God Say about Marriage?

Marriage is not an invention of man. God instituted marriage. According to God's plan, man and woman together form the unit of humanity. A man or a woman alone is only part of an entirety. 

"And the Lord God said, 'It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him'" (Gen. 2:18).
"Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said:

'This is now bone of my bone
And flesh of my flesh; 
She shall be called Woman, 
Because she was taken out of Man.' 

Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." (Gen. 2:22-24)

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We had lots of fun together.
Our mommy played with us a lot. She was always fully engaged in whatever it was that we were interested in.
Our mommy and daddy made many sacrifices to ensure that we were not subjects of a nasty custody battle while they were  engaged in their divorce. Our paternal grandmother has now made us subjects in a custody battle against our mommy... daddy would not approve.
Our grandmother is engaged in activities that is not in our best interest nor is it consistent with what our parents had intended for my brother and me.
My brother and me want to go home. Every child in the world should have a right to be able to go home. We want our mommy! We want to go home! 
We are learning about life and love through our early childhood experiences. A familly, community, and system that is suppposed to protect us is being used against us. Our foundation has been shattered. It is not too late for us to return our core, to return to our family. Although our daddy is gone, he still lives in us and in our mommy... we are still a family.
Walking in the rain
Bike riding
Kite flying
Bug hunting
Bird wathching
Ice skating
Roller skating
Star gazing
....and much, much more!
We learned that God ordains the family. He uses the relationships of those that know Him to show others that don't know Him what a relationship with him would be like.    My brother, me, mommy and daddy is a family God ordained. The role our paternal grandmother has taken in our family is destructive and inconsistent with what we learned from our parents about God and His Love.
We don't know if our mommy is dead or alive.  We do know that she loves us more than anything in the Universe and if she could be with us she would.  If mommy can't find her way back to us alone, then we pray that everything we learned about God is true and God will speak to those that know Him and those that can, will help our family to be united.
American Sign Language
We were gonna learn French from our Uncles
Languages We Were Learning When We Were With Our Mommy:
We learned that God can do all things and He will use those that know Him to do His good work. We learned that everything works out for good for those that love the Lord. We love the Lord and we pray that God's word is truth and somehow this tragedy in our family will some how work out for good.  God said it will and He only speaks Truth.
Just A Few Of The Things We Did With Our Mommy:
Just A Few Of The Books On Tape That We Listened To In The Car And Before School During Breakfast When We Were With Our Mommy:
 Thunder and lighting
Why leaves are green
Addition songs
Spelling songs
Reading songs
...and much, much more!

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Teach Me About:
Thank God We Have Each Other
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Our Daily Routiines Were Consistent, They Included Such Things As:
Daily Chores
  • load dish washer
  • empty trash cans
  • bring trash receptacle to curb
  • dust 
  • mop/sweep/vacuum
  • strip beds on saturdays for laundry
....and many, many more small tasks we enjoyed doing

Note: cleaning was done with diluted lemon juice instead of household chemicals 
We Helped With Meals
  • make kool-aid
  • make ice pops
  • prepare lunches
  • set table
  • clean table after eating
  • dished out portions
...and many more small meal prep tasks
Special Things We Did Together

  • Regular Bedtime with bedtime story then lullaby tapes
  • naptime with storytime then lullaby tapes
  • Duetch zeitrichten kinder kinos (cartoons in german) on fridays at home with popcorn, pretzels, and giant pickles
  • walked, rode bikes, or skated to park on saturday mornings 
  • morning devotional with songs after getting dressed for school
  • educational tapes and songs while waiting for breakfast  on school days
...and many, many more fun times we shared 
Mommy Disciplined Us By
  • putting us in time out (we were able to come out of time out by completing a given task such as counting numbers, addition, spelling or reciting
  • pacing/jogging/climbing stairs
  • repetitive phrases
  • practicing desired behavior
  • jumping jacks/push ups/situps
  • extra chores (chores done for corrective behavior had to be done the old fashion way without the use of modern tools

Mommy Was Involved In Our
  • school activities
  • class trips
  • imaginitive play
...and much, much more
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