A Family Of Three
Extermination Of Families By The Judicial System
The Family of R'Que and Terrence Singleton

They were innocent and trusting, too young to know what was happening in their family. My baby boys were ages 3 and 5 years of age when their family under-went a separation then divorce. It would break my heart to look into their trusting little eyes and their precious little smiling faces knowing what Reg and I would be doing to their family. I couldn't do it, I couldn't just give up on their family. I had to put all of my strength into trying to keep my family intact. 
When we saw our parents together mommy was saying good-bye and daddy was saying hello and taking us with him or vise-versa. We were so happy to see the greeting parent but we were also very sad to have to say good -bye to the departing parent---we cried...that was when we were a family of three. 

Our family was no longer an example for my brother and me to have as a model for us to grow up and immulate with our own wife and children...that was when we were a family of three
We went on fantastic vacations, but there was always a special part of us missing; one of our parents were always missing...that was when we were a family of three.
We had two homes. The rules were not the same nor were the expectations the same in one place and then the other...that was when we were a family of three.
The lessons we learned about love were different than what we had learned earlier. Now we were learning that love hurts, love is uncertain, love is conditional...that was when we were a family of three.
We were learning that loving parents are part-time parents. They pick you up and you visit them for a couple of days. We were learning that to be a good parent you visit with your child from time to time and take them to special places or for a nice meal...that was when we were a family of three.
We were in church at least three times a week. Both of my parents were Saved and spoke to us about Jesus often. They spoke about Jesus' love and told us that He can do all things and many, many more things they shared with us about Christ or we learned in Church. What was being said to us and what we were experiencing in our young lives were inconsistent--- we were learning to be hippocrites...that was when we were a family of three.
We no longer had outings together with our parents nor did we see our mommy and daddy play together anymore...that was when we were a family of three.

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From the hearts of my precious little Angels... R'Que and Terrence Singleton
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These mentioned are just a few of the differences we realize when were a family of three than when we were a family of four.  Our lives, routines, exposure to others, relationship with our extended relatives were very different when our family changed.  If only we could speak .
When  we were all together I was walking on eggs shells trying not to upset your dad. I am naturally fun-loving, playful, and full of life, that is how I wanted you boys to remember me. You boys would not have grown up knowing the person I am, you would have grown up knowing some person I had become trying to appease your father. You would have grown up to be men that would disrespect and berate your wives, turning them into lackey dish-ragged individuals...that was when we were a family of three.
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