Letter... click to read
"...The Greatest Sin Of Our Time Is Not The Few Who Have Destroyed But The Vast Majority Who Sat Idly By..."    Dr Martin Luther King Jr
Click the cute-kitty to  read a letter from our mommy to Miss Tamiko---daddy's girlfriend.
Click the blue scribble to see a letter from our mommy to our grammy (paternal grandmother).
Click the green lineage to read letter from our Opa (maternal grandfather) to our paternal grandparents.
Click the artwork to read letter from our mommy to our aunnie-Wonn (paternal aunt).
Exerpts from the above letters were used in court as a presentation to the jury that I am insane and unfit to be a mother. The exerpts were said to be threatening, irrational and proof of my instability. 
Somewhere in outer-space God has prepared a place for those who trust Him and obey. Jesus will come again although we don't know when the count-downs getting lower everyday. ( A song we used to sing with our mommy)
My position in these letters were of humility and plea for human compassion and decency.  My expectations were for the man whom fathered my children to dispose of me properly.  Either to commit me to an asylum if I were truly insane or give me a decent place to die. I was not prepared (emotionally) to prepare a home for my children without their father and  I would not go to live with my parents or siblings.  I was willing to accept the consequences of my marriage to Reggie and if that were death in the streets then I would walk through the valley of the shadow of death and fear no evil.... does this make me insane?
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I would have waited until "hell' froze over for Reggie to do right by his family because I know he is a decent man and he wanted to do what was right. He was lost and needed guidance and I did not doubt that in time he would have found his way... maybe not back to me, but he would have found his way. 
Mommy's Baby Boys
Reggie's death will not be in vain. God says ALL things will work our for good for those that love the Lord. I cannot do it alone, but with the help of the willing, God's name can be glorified in this too. 
The condition of the family is in a critical state in this nation---any changes in the constitution to preserve the family should not be only against same-sex marriages. Heterosexuals are doing a superfluous job of creating destruction and extinction to the idea and sanctity of the family unit.  My childrens' family is a prime example of how two mature individuals can shatter the lives of their children by embracing the course for divorce brought about by these "no-fault" divorces. 
Child Protective Sevices---- do these State agencies really protect the children or do they add to the destruction and jurogenocide of family units.... especially those unable to pay for adequate defense.
The professional testimonies of Psychiatrists. in my case seemed more like "quack-science" than professionalism.. All the testimony given by the psychiatrist was purely subjective. Another psychiatrist reviewing the same results could have come to a separate conclusion and a different presentation to the jury... Does this type of subjectivity have any place in our court rooms. Our childrens' lives and well-being are dependent on the professionalism of these people whom are willing to site an opinion favorable to which ever side is paying for their testimony.
I did not kill Reggie nor did I orchestrate his murder. E. Singleton (Reggie's mother) and her agents are the only beings on this planet that would accuse me of this crime. She has also accused me of abandoning my precious little Angels.  She knows as well as I do that is far-fetched and far from the truth.  
As Martiarch of her family E. Singleton was the one person on this Planet that could have made a difference for our family, she choose to act against Reggie's family and she's still acting against his family.  She judged me and chose not to support my union with her son for her own personal, immature, and selfish reasons. I humbled myself before her time and time again when my husband was alive, seeking her support in healing my family, she chose not to help us. .Does this make me an unfit mother and her a more desirable role model for my children.?
Reggie looked to his mother for advice. He trusted her, she failed him, my sons, and me. She does not and will not ever believe that her mental defects were caustic to her family and that same poison infested our family.  Mental illness is not benign it destroys beautiful things. Our family is beautiful and we are meant to "be". Reggie would want us to "be" just as I would want him to "be", to be a family with our sons even if I were not around. 
This grandmother has over stepped her bounds. She is unfit to parent my sons and her role as a grandparent has been less than admirable. All things have purpose, this situation is far bigger than my sons and me.... something good is meant to come out of this and I will do what I can to make good of it.  I know I cannot do it alone and I speak to anyone with the resources and desire to help us, to contact me.
I  did not study psychiatry, but I do know that there is something wrong when a man  does not bond with the mother of his children. I do know that there is something wrong when a man  does not value or support the bond and relationship a mother has with her children. I know that a man that values the relationship he has with his own mother is selfish and without a conscious to deny his own children a relationship  with their mother.
In my letter to Tamiko I did not say anything to her that her own mother or any caring relative could not have said to her. I did not give her any advice I would not have given my very own nieces if I would have known they were involved in an idiotic situation like the one Tamiko allowed herself to be a party to. Yet in court my letters were viewed as threatening and evidence of my alleged disapproval of the relationship between Reggie and Tamiko. Those letters were used as evidence of my instability and one of the agent for Child Protective Services implied that because I wrote those letters I should not have custody of my children.
I maintained my sanity through my writings. I did not go to psychotherapy and obtain prescriptions for multiple psychotropic medications that would have dulled my senses and allowed me to accept and adjust to circumstances that were not cosistent with my values.  If I had done so everything I said to the therapist would have been protected by patient-client confidentiality; however, my theraphy was my writings and they were not protected, they  were used in court against me and my sons.
Somewhere in outer-space God has prepared a place for those who trust Him and obey. Jesus will come again although we don't know when the count-downs getting lower everyday. ( A song we used to sing with our mommy)
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What happened to the days when grandparents' homes were a "safe haven" for  children. A place to go for a little while and have some milk and cookies. A place to go to hear Gram and Gramp talk about the "good 'ole days".  A place where kids go and inadvertently learn the scents that go along with the environment of the elderly (Ben Gay, Cedar Chests, Opa's pipe, etc). A day when Grandma's home was a place where kids would go when mom and dad are fighting and they want to hide and get away from mommy and daddy for a little while. That's what our children are missing these days. They are missing the opportunity of knowing that their parents can have verbal disagreements..  Their parents can fight but when the child  comes home from Grandma's house, they  see that everything is alright, the foundation is has not been shattered. 
At ages 5 and 7 my children are learning to harden their hearts. to disconnect, to protect and defend themselves against the unpredictability of the adults in their world. They did not learn about the comfort, security, and strength of a family unit. This is the sort of disruption in human development that has manifested itself years or decades later as an act against society. The children are then  looked at by society as some deviant monster with no conscience and the only thing to do is lock the child up and keep them institutionalized for the rest of their lives or youth.  
I begged for help when I needed help for my family when I was married to Reggie. When we were separated and then divorced, I did not give up on my family, I still begged and pleaded for help the only way I knew.  My husband is no longer with us.  My children are being raised to believe they have been abandoned and neglected by their mother. Their granmother (paternal) is cold, distant and without conscience. She cannot begin to meet their emotional needs....I continue to plead for help, not for me, not for Reggie but for our sons. Please help me to save my sons from the possibilities that await them on this present course.  We have so many examples of how shattered childhood experiences can ruin the possibilities of an otherwise bright future for many of our youngsters, especially youngmen.  Our sons ( Reggie's and mine) do not have to live this life given to them by the judicial system, they can live the life ordained for them through Christ. Please help us.
Their mommy is here and I love them immensly. There is no reason for my sons to grow up thinking that they were not loved or wanted by their mother.
click the blue crayon to read poems from our mommy
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