This is a page of unfinished business legal locuments. As one who likes to do things to completion I am inclined to delay  postings until I have 100% satisfaction in the completion of the documents to be posted; however, at this junction in my existence when I am attuned to my own mortality I find it more compelling to expose my inner thoughts on my site rather than to keep them in my computer document files until some stage of 'completion'. 

Mostly these writing have been started but unfinished due to the very emotional nature of the content. They are ideas, proposals, lamentations, constructs, facts, opinions and the like. I had purpose to send them out to various entities that may be able to support my plight or initiate political campaigns that could affect my situation regarding my offspring. 

Out of respect for my mental health I deemed it prudent to limit my time and attention to indulging in these efforts; yet, with the reemergence of the dysfunctional habits of my babie-daddy's mother (the elizabich legare singleton) into my existence by reaching out in its (her) own special way by summoning me to court in Aiken, SC August 12, 20012 after having no contact with it for over 7 years I find myself once again on a catastrophic course.
There is no protection for warrior- spirits like myself in this great Nation. In my experience in Aiken, SC August 2012 I find that the strong arm of the law gives deference to those that present themselves as 'victims'. The elizabich legare singleton lives in a skewed reality believing its own baseless factoids and having a lifelong victims mentality it has perfected the deeds of affecting others' libertad. 

I stated it in court  in Aiken, SC on August 12th 2012  (and it was discounted) yet I will state it again here. I fear the elizabich legare singleton (NOT as a potential victim of it's but otherwise!) As a result of that statement the sweet Judge Carroll Tracey of Aiken SC offered the services of one of her kind bailiffs to escort me to my rental car. That is a 'hardy-jar-jar' for me. I will shake my head and say only, "forgive them Lord for they know not what they my actions to Bless my sons." And I will leave it at that. Those with a 'victim's mentality will tolerate the elizabich legare singleton and its antics indefinitely. Those with a warrior's mentality will understand my angst and know the gravitas of this situation. It is NOT discountable when this self-proclaimed victim can just reach into my existence when the mood suits it and affect my libertad. What am I to do, I ask when the laws of the land DO NOT protect those like myself (they are only here to protect 'victims' and there is absolutely no distinction in law regarding those that are victims as a result inciting their perpetrator and those that are innocent victims and did nothing to incite an action against them.)? 

If I had died and Reggie were here on earth; I would spin in my grave if I knew he were here making difficulties for my mummsie and I would make every effort to 'haunt his existence' if I could; point being, it gives me no pleasure to be at odds with my babie-daddy's mummsie. It could only benefit us both to forget and ignore one another's existence; however, it (she) feels compelled to reach into my world whenever the mood suits it (her)
and I have no legal recourse against this drama, hence, all I can say here is c'est la vie que sera sera!!!  May God Bless us one and all inspite of ourselves.

​Click on images below to view document
Violation of Family Order
Philadelphia Open Air Show 2012
Charleston County Detention Center Time Served
Proposed Bill for Congress
Post from FaceBook and My Dissertation Proposal
Think Critically My Sons...Find Facts to Your Life's Story