That is Oma (in the middle) surrounded by diene tantas und diene uncle.... so many family members await your reuniting.... 
These are pictures of mommy and your maternal family who misses you dearly.... We can't wait to 'reconnect' with you two darlings... MUAH!!! Love you!
Diene Mutty Liebe Dich Viele!
These are the photos of the last year I spent with my men. They were shaving in the tub at our rented castle on Arapaho in Harker Heights, TX. In red we were at Oma & Opa's place on Easter Sunday in Killeen, TX.  They had Easter Baskets with gifts of a Microscope for Terrence and Telescope for Que (they even had an Ant Farm at Oma's & Opa's place). In yellow they were at my 20-year High School Reunion in Detroit, Michigan. Also, you'll see Que's graduation from Nursery School and Que climbing the Rock Wall at the Mall of America in Minnesota. 
Oma & Opa's place was an apartment I had leased during the year of separation between me and my baby-daddy (The separation was court ordered instead of granting the contested divorce...we were supposed to work on re-building our relationship during that time. He dated instead and presented his 'true-self'). This is the year (2001) when his Narcopathy began to present. His covert malicious, callous, narcissitic behavior was in overdrive (at the time I did NOT know his state of mind was pathological. I held on to my Faith and believed God would resotore our family. I believed that our family and its restoration would one day be a testiment to God and how His Will could prevail in seemingly hopeless situations). This is the year Reggie became 'A Deadman Walking'. I wish I had realized it at the time.
Kids music and German songs my sons would sing, play, and fall asleep to when they were wee
"RQue and Terrence Tape to Daddy in Iraq"

These are two different videos of of tapes we sent to dad when he was in Iraq.